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         Seed is a small part of a plant which has the capacity to reproduce another plant. That mighty tree you are seeing was once in a seed form. It could not do anything in the seed form until it was planted in the ground. The ground can be soil or your heart. It depends on where you want to sow the seed and the kind of seed you want to sow. In every seed is embedded dynamic ability to reproduce.

Image result for plant        Jesus said that a farmer went to sow seeds and some fell on good ground while some fell on bad ground. The seed i want to talk about here is the word of God while the ground is your heart. Through the words of God's mouth, he created the whole universe without assistance. The words you speak has the ability to make or mar you. So be careful.

         Sow good seeds in your family. Don't speak out of anger to your children for they God's blessing to you. Every seed you plant, you will harvest. Therefore sow the right kind of  seed. Seed of life will make you alive while seed of death will kill you. Don't say it was just a talk.

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