There are rumours of wars everywhere. brother against brother, country against country and neighbour against neighbour. All these can not be compared to the battle which i have witnessed. My enemy shifted the battle to my mind. I couldn't invite people to help me because the battle field has gone invisible. I faced my adversary alone. hmmm!!! very tough. The adversary is Satan and the battle field is the mind.
Since we received Christ into our spirit man, Satan moved the battle to the mind. Our mind need to conform to the newness of life through WORD therapy. The quality of a man is determined by the mind. What you think you manifest. (prov 23:7) Your mind is the seat of your personality. It is the steering which determines the path of your life. Your thought about people determines your relationship with them. Poverty mindset will make you not to relish the harvest of your blessings in Christ Jesus. You can not fight thought with prayer and crying but you can fight thought with thought."POSITIVE THOUGHT PATTERN" Format junks in your system(mind) with right system software(word of God).
Whatever you think on consistently will surely happen. Renew your thought line to enable pleasant things happening in your life. Replace corrupt words with life giving words. Poverty or wealth are not in BLOOD LINE but in THOUGHT LINE.
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