Tithing controversial debate among top Nigerian clerics

Pastor Adeboye, T.B Joshua, MFM's Olukoya join tithing debateDaddy G.O says God told him tithing was right, while SCOAN leader and MFM’s G.O say otherwise.

The ongoing tithing controversy has been fuelled by new comments from Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye, Prophet T.B Joshua and Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya.

According to the General Overseer of the Redeemed Church of God (RCCG), tithing is mandatory because God told him so.
He made this known in the 3rd December 2017 edition of his Daily Devotional, “Open Heavens.”
Pastor Adeboye said: “After I became newly born again and we were taught to pay tithes, I laughed and said in my mind, ‘These people do not know that I am a mathematician.

“If 100% is not enough for me, how can 90% be enough after I have paid 10% as tithe? Thank you very much! Even though these people are not educated, they still want to use their smartness to take 10% of my income from me. Let them try and take it’.
“However, down the line, God convinced me by Himself and I observed remarkable changes in my life.”
This particular devotional was titled ‘Tithing Is Trusting.’

Daddy Freeze reacts

This new statement has received a response from Cool FM OAP and leader of the #free the sheeple movement, Daddy Freeze.
Pastor Adeboye, T.B Joshua, MFM's Olukoya join tithing debate Daddy Freeze disagrees with Pastor Adeboye on tithing

Using his Instagram account, he said: “All we are saying….is give us scriptures, All we are saying…. is show us bible.
“Where did Christ our High priest and the pillar of Christianity, or the disciples, our first pastors and GOs, the founders of the modern church in Christ, collect tithe in the Bible?
“The peaceful protest continues until answers are provided! ~FRZ #FreeTheSheeple

All we are saying....is give us scriptures, All we are saying.... is show us bible. - Where did Christ our High priest and the pillar of Christianity, or the disciples, our first pastors and GOs, the founders of the modern church in Christ, collect tithe in the Bible? - The peaceful protest continues until answers are provided! ~FRZ - #FreeTheSheeple - *Jesus questioned the teachers and we his followers MUST ask questions and demand answers! ◄ Luke 2:46 ► After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. - * The Berean Christians were considered 'noble' because they crosschecked everything the disciples taught, to make sure it aligned with the Bible, let's adopt this noble approach! ◄ Acts 17:11 ► Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. - * God wants us to 'study' so we can find ourselves approved, let's OBEY this instruction! ◄ 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV► Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  

Prophet T.B Joshua joins tithing conversation

The leader of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has also shared his opinion on the issue of tithing.
During a sermon, the prophet advised people to give their tithe to the poor instead of bringing it to the church.
In his words, “Give them freely, you are paying your tithe. Because when you bring your tithe here to the church and if you pay yourself, you are helping us to pay.
“It is better you help us to pay than to bring it here for us to pay. It is a burden because we are may likely not pay the full tithe you give us. In one way or another, it becomes a sin to us…”
His stance has earned him some praise from Daddy Freeze, who shared the sermon on his social media pages.
Pastor Adeboye, T.B Joshua, MFM's Olukoya join tithing debate Daddy Freeze agrees with Prophet T.B Joshua

His caption read: “On this tithing issue, Pastor TB Joshua has spoken the biblical truth & I respect him 4 standing firm behind the truth. ~FRZ”

Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya disagrees with popular opinion on tithing

The General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries International (MFM), Dr Daniel Kolawole Olukoya has also weighed in on the tithe debate.
Dr. Daniel Olukoya Dr. Daniel Olukoya

While delivering a powerful sermon tagged The Power of Primitive Faith at the MFM headquarters, he stated that tithing is not by force.
He said: “There is nowhere in the bible where God mandates one to pay tithes. One should only pay tithes if one wants to be blessed. If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. And if you sow bountifully, you will reap bountifully.”
“If you think the pastor you pay your tithes to is a thief (and I am not saying that some pastors are not thieves) then look for the personal address of God and personally hand over your tithes to him.”
“Do you even know that MFM –when it started — did not want to collect offerings from church members but since we felt our members should partake from its (offerings) blessings, as promised in the Bible, we collect offerings.”

As you can see, Prophet T.B Joshua and Olukoya do not agree with Pastor Adeboye's opinion on tithing.

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