Five things you should tidy more often

Cleaning ensures that your environment is free of germs and other contaminants, but the real culprits when it comes to dirtiness are the areas you often overlook. This year, resolve to be a better cleaner by paying attention to these areas.
Not just the pillowcases, but also the entire pillow. The sebum from your skin and hair sees into the pillows and makes it a haven for germs that cause skin problems. Think dust, sweat, hair oil, insects and all kinds of contaminants. Why would you want to be lying on that?
Earphone buds
They go in your ears, so naturally they are dirty. Clean them with wipes every week, at least. Not just the buds, but the entire earpiece needs to be cleaned and disinfected. You really don’t want to put that junk in your ears.
Bathing sponges
Your sponges and body washer clean you, but do you know that they need to be cleaned too? Soak them in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar for a thorough cleaning. This applies to face towels and sponges.
Laptop keyboard
Ah, the amount of debris the laptop keyboard collects! Dust, hair, food particles, you name it. You should clean them regularly with a soft cloth and water, especially if you work with your laptop. You do not want that dirt to be transferred to your skin.

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