How to get off your ex

Some guys just don’t get that when you say it is over, it
really is over. They keep calling and texting. With others, if they are not
trying to get you back, they tell you they just want to stay friends. I don’t
write being friends with an ex off, depending on why you two broke up in the
first place but the desire for the friendship has to be mutual.
Therefore, if he is bugging you, here’s how to do away with
his annoying persistence.
1.      Ignore
At first, don’t pick up to tell him to stop calling you; he
may be merely after the sound of your voice (creepy, I know but it happens) so
don’t give him that satisfaction.
2.      Use the ‘I’m dating’ line
If he is asking to get back with you then tell him this.
Some exes might say they just want to be friends. Insist that your present
boyfriend won’t be comfortable with that. This is most effective if you are
really dating so don’t fake it if you are not.
3.      Block him
You don’t have to be told this one. If he is really
upsetting you then block his calls and his chat on social media. This will make
him back off, involuntarily.
4.      Be firm
If he keeps coming by your place then be upfront about it.
This is best when it sounds like a
warning, so sound angry. Make sure you convey that in a way that leaves him
cautious about what you might really do.
5.      Threaten legal action
Don’t say that the legal system in Nigeria is
crappy. Trust me, if you tell a guy you will get the police to arrest him for
harassment, he will definitely back off. It all depends on how serious you

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