Increasing your low self-esteem

Every single one of us have insecurities that haunt us – fat thighs, stretch marks that refuse to fade away with numerous creams applied, the “yam” legs that cause us untold embarrassments, the shape of our lips or eyes, protruding stomach – amongst others, inadvertently affecting the way we see ourselves in our mind’s eyes. 

The negatives begin to outweigh the positives and the mirror becomes a hated object that magnifies the “disgusted” way we see ourselves. Lady, you have got to love yourself. This means every single part of you including the so-called “ugly” part of you. God does not make mistakes and He certainly did not when He was creating you.

You need to understand what you can and cannot change about yourself. People have low self-esteem because they try so hard to change what cannot be changed and ignore the ones that can be changed. I will explain further. If you are overweight and this has been weighing you down, you can change your eating patterns and start a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy, exercising often and so on. On the other hand, if your insecurity is your big lips or flat nose, I do not think it can be changed except through surgery, which I do not support. 

People with low self-esteem tend to listen to the words of people around them. To increase your self-esteem, surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you and avoid the company of those who castigate and try to make you feel less of a person. 

You are the only one with the power to increase your esteem. Look at the mirror daily and gradually begin to fall in love with the amazing person staring back, well because you are simply amazing and do not let anybody tell you otherwise.

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