Sex dolls vs women

It is both hilarious and embarrassing that women have seen it necessary to go up in arms dolls.

Okay, maybe calling these newfangled robots “dolls” is a gross understatement. They are state of the art, fully automated female robots that are formulated for pleasure. 

I have seen pictures of these units, and they look like they were pulled from the wet dreams of teenage boys everywhere. Exaggerated breasts and buttocks, flawless skin, and hair that can be cut in different styles. They are indeed, created to fulfill male fantasies.
You can only imagine why men are talking up a storm about them.
It was all fun and games until the “sex doll won’t cheat on you, you don’t have to spend much on her, and she won’t talk too much, she won’t cry rape” jokes started rolling out. I expected women to laugh these off and take it all as a joke; as proof that men are at heart, juvenile.
Instead, women are embarrassing themselves with “sex dolls cannot cook for you, clean for you, bear your children” responses.
I mean, ladies! Let us all respect ourselves, please!
Why do we feel the need to defend our roles against sex dolls—roles that are not even gender-specific, which we are trying to change the perceptions of? The truth is that nothing can substitute for human interaction, and our menfolk know that. If we are confident about our worth, then why be threatened by inanimate robots that can be defunct when unplugged?
We as women, in the struggle for self-actualization and equality, should also work on our self-worth. If we are confident in our abilities, we will be less prone to reduce ourselves to anyone less, even a sex doll.

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