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Communication is the ability to relate an understandable information to each other. Communication must be between two or more persons otherwise you are soliloquizing. Marriage survives on the platform of proper communication.
God scattered the language of the early men and the tower of Babel aimed at reaching heaven stopped. Without proper communication the family will get scattered. Communication gap brings stagnation. Therefore, unite yourselves and move ahead.

  1. What do you communicate?
  • communicate truth
  • avoid corrupt words
  • edifying words
  • your speech should encourage your spouse
Jezebel encouraged Ahab her husband  and Elijah the great prophet became afraid of her and ran away for his dear life.1kgs 19:1-3
Zeresh condemned Haman her husband with her words and Haman was destroyed. Esther 6:13
        2. How do you communicate?
  • your communication must be seasoned with grace
  • it should give strength and not to demoralize
  • gentle answer deflects anger. Prov 15:1
      3.When do you communicate?
  • communication should be appropriate and at a proper time.
  • don't tell you husband about school fees when he is in distress.
  • you must find suitable time to communicate wisely
  • allow your husband to rest from day work before telling him the stories of the day.
       4. Where do u communication?
  • none of the spouse should talk to the other in public in a harsh tone 
  • you must not discuss illicit things before your children and ward; else they will copy it
  • speak edifying words to other
  • home is built with good words
  • you should always praise and eulogize your spouse
  • Solomon did it and retinue of wives fell in love with him
Solomon sowed love in his wives and he reaped peace and love in return. The power compliment can turn the heart of your spouse into a melting wax. Employ compliment in your home and relish the harvest.
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