Children are God's heritage and a reward for every marriage. By their presence, the home is graced. Children of a man when he is young are like arrow in the hand of a soldier. He shall stand his enemies in the way and defeat them.
It is an irony to see some families inducing segregation among their children. A home dividing against herself. Father against mother, mother against children,children against parents.

Consider this scenario happening in a family. The father is a traveler while the mother is a business woman. It is a family of six children. The children fragmented into two opposition parties. Three commit their staunch loyalty to their mother while the other to their father. Those supporting the mother are always celebrating while the other celebrate only when the father comes back after several weeks of travel. This became a canker-worm eating deep into the well-being of the family.

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Disrespect and insubordination became their morning face oil. War against siblings and against parents. Who would save these team in a pitch where there  is no referee? Should they be left for fate? Incredulous! should we call this a family or war zone. This story here is non fiction.
So, my beloved reader, give attention to this lest the little foxes that spoil the vine creep in and devour her up. Be a watchdog over your family and keep it chaste of evil vices.
As a parent, share your love equally among your children. Whatever is good for the geese is also good for the ganders. Don't create any emotional separation in your family. Treat the females as you do to the males. Give them a sense of parenthood. Give them you best your could afford and your family peace will know no boundary.

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