Nakedness/transparency is one of the vital keys to relish a blissful home or relationship. When you tend to be secretive in marriage, you will be gnashing your teeth and enduring what you should be enjoying. This principle i have enjoyed immensely that keeps me on the platform of high flying. Permit me to bring you to that platform where you need not to be under pressure for anything.

If you are not true to yourself, you can't be true to another person. Transparency is a seed one plants in his/her life.Model and remodel your character. Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. What you said to one should be what you said to all. Make your identity be true. Many people find it pleasurable to lie on every occasion. They call it fun but it is forming cancer in their bones which will in turn wreck them down.
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This is an area where virtually body wants to show prudence. "touch not my money and do my purse no harm" I made up my mind not to hide any money or any income to my wife and i kept to it. It is my honour to bring to your notice that my wife cannot spend N5 without giving vivid account of it. I am not the one forcing out words from her but she had aforetime inculcated this virtue in herself. So not by compulsion. She can not spent any amount without my consent. Even if she used money when i was not around, she would tell me before i ask her. It makes our expenses easier and full of love. Nobody is under tension and no one suspects the other. We know when there is money and when it has finished. So it is easy life.

Husband and wife are hereby enjoined to have a common bank account(joint account). If one is not around, the other can have access to the account because they are signatories to the account. Since you people are one, joined in holy matrimony, you should give attention to nakedness in marriage. There is no fear in love. Embrace this with nakedness of heart. Come out of your cocoon and walk in d brightness of the light i share in this article. Enjoy peace!

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