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I am sorry is a way to render apology to someone whom you offended knowing or unknowing. Sometimes, when you are the offended, and your offender is stiff-necked to meet apology to you, you can still go out of yourself to say  "I am sorry". This is also a way to win the person back. This is the mystery for authentic people. It is  a weakness to apologize but strength. If you can crack this bone then your joy will never dry.
SEE:communication in marriage

God gave Adam a command not to eat of the tree of good and evil in the midst of the garden. Adam agreed. When God gave him Eve, he(Adam) related the command to Eve. Satan came and deceived Eve then she disobeyed God. She ate of the fruit and gave to her husband with her. When they noticed their nakedness, they began to hide. God appeared and asked: Adam where are you?  He answered, i heard your voice and hid myself because i am naked. God answered, who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten the fruit i asked you not to eat of?

Here begins his awful response
      Adam answered, it was the woman you gave to me that gave me the fruit. Eve replied, it was the serpent that tricked me to eat it.
After their responses, God cursed the serpent, man and wife.
Consider thoughtfully on the above scenario. None of them could say "I am sorry" They kept blaming each other. By this. a beautiful place and a beautiful relationship were messed up. The like is yet happening in our contemporary world where nobody or party would admit that he had fallen short of the standard. Therefore, revenge keeps escalating. Nobody wants to swallow up his or her pride. This is cantankerous and keeps the home or relationship in dilapidation.

You can deck your family and relationship with this key instrument and avoid wrecking down your home. (let the light in  this article shine in your heart to cast away darkness).
Jesus Christ said, when you come to give offering and remember that somebody has something against you; leave your offering there, go and make peace with him then come and give your  offering. Is it not hard when you are not the offender? But that is the principle of life. The book of Proverbs said : a gentle answer quietens anger but a harsh word stirs it up. Your partner is not evil only if you understand that you are an agent sent to deliver him. A saviour must be patient and tolerant.
SEE:Please forgive me
It does not depreciate your size nor relegate your social status when you say "I am sorry" to your partner. Let the fire of love continue to burn in your home as you learn to say I AM SORRY.

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