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God created everything on the earth and saw that they are good but after he made man, he said that it is not good that man should be alone. Then he brought forth out of the man a woman. The man saw the woman and said, this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh. (Gen2:18) They dwell together in understanding and mutual love.Therefore, the purpose of marriage is COMPANIONSHIP.
           Eccl 4:8-12
  1. A man who has no wife is working and labouring in vain
  2. He is never satisfied with his riches
  3. This is business of futility
  4. Two are better than one
  5. If one falls, the other will lift him up
  6. Woe to him that falls and has no one to lift him up
  7. If two lie together, then they have heat
  8. A single person cannot be warm alone. Therefore, the spouse should bind their ideas together in love.
  9. Two shall prevail against thousands of challenge
  10. Three fold cord are not easily broken
  11. The strong person shall support the weak person
  12. Every man should be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to get angry. (James 1:19)
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