Hidden things about your natural hair

Wearing a natural look is the in-thing, from nude make up to natural hair. 
However, making the transition from relaxed hair to natural hair is not so easy. Most people would say that natural hair is more difficult to maintain and that is said with good reason- they don’t know the following secrets I am about to share with you. 
Thus, don’t be fazed by the possibility of going natural. The following secrets will equip you.
1. Give it time
The first 6-8 months of going natural are critical. Your scalp and hair follicles are healing after all the artificial products you used to load on it. Thus, bear with it and afterward, you will see that it will get easier from then on. 
2. Don’t use too many products
Manufacturers know that with the latest trends, natural hair products is a huge market but don’t be fooled by every product that claims it is organic. I advise you make your products yourself with ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, avocado, honey etc. If you must buy, go for trusted products and don’t overload them on your hair. Use products sparingly on your hair so you don’t have to wash too often which could make your hair dry.
3. Research
What you don’t know can harm you. If you simply dedicate time to reading up about natural hair before you take the step, all myths will be dispelled. 
4. Treat it with care
Natural hair is the one that needs the most attention. Try to keep it moist and avoid anything that will put too much tension on your scalp and the strands. This means you should stay away from hot hair equipment. 
5. Experiment
Having natural hair means you may style your hair in ways you have never done before so be ready to go along with it and have fun.

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