Home remedies for blocked milk duct

If you are a nursing mother and you constantly experience reduced milk supply in your boobs, redness, and soreness, pain around a breast or both. You might just be suffering from blocked milk duct which is caused by stress, lack of sleep, tight bras or clothing, certain sleeping positions and many other factors. To get rid of the pain real quick here are some effective home remedies that would prove effective.
This you can do yourself right before breastfeeding your baby. Massage the affected breast with both hands and try to squeeze out the blockage by using your index finger and thumb.
Garlic and honey
A blocked milk duct could easily result in mastitis, to prevent this eventuality crush some garlic cloves and mix with honey. Drink this mixture regularly.
Take a hot shower
With coconut oil in hand direct hot water onto the affected breast and massage with coconut oil for fast relief from clogged milk duct.
Pineapple juice
Pineapple contains Bromelain that works effectively in reducing inflammation and blockage found in the clogged milk duct. Drink a cup or two of freshly squeezed pineapple juice on a daily basis to fix this, you should also take foods rich in vitamin C like broccoli, tomatoes, kiwi fruit, orange, grapefruit, etc.

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