How to spot break up in relectionship

Relationships that are not working are easy to spot. You know it (except you are deceiving yourself) and so does he; the signs are always glaring. At those moments he may begin feeling like he is wasting precious time with you. So, to save yourself the shock and probably sit him down for the dreaded discussion so you two can quickly move on, here are signs that suggest he is already considering a breakup. 
1. How do you feel about the relationship?
Refer to what I said in the opening statement. You usually know it that your relationship is not working out. Then, if you know it, what makes you think he doesn’t know it either?
2. He stays away
A guy who wants to break up with you will increasingly spend less time with you. Even when he is around you, he stays emotionally distant or remains preoccupied with something else; there is no more lovey-dovey cooing and staring into each other’s eyes. He does not tell you anything except engage in small talk.
3. He keeps his hands to himself
I don’t even mean this sexually. A guy in love will unconsciously have his hands wander towards you because deep in his heart you matter. However, if his hands don’t stray to hold yours or remove some imaginary speck from your face then watch carefully.
4. He snaps at you
An unhappy guy will become increasingly irritated. He will be outrageously critical and you won’t seem to be able to make him smile anymore.
5. His friends draw away
Guys usually confide in their friends about stuff like impending breakups. They on the other hand will begin to put some distance between themselves and you. 
If you consistently see these signs, be braced for impact.

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