Important things women should do after sex

After sex, most ladies just want to cuddle up their partner in bed and replay the great sex they had in their mind. This attitude is all lovey-dovey, I know, but guess what? It’s not ideal or healthy after all. 

Staying in bed for long moments after sex poses a lot of health risks for you as a lady. There is the risk of Urinary tract infection, and you can easily avoid this by taking a trip to the toilet to pee.  
There’s an endless list of things you should do right after sex in order to get rid of bacteria lurking in your vagina. Continue reading to discover easy rituals you should indulge in after sex to keep your down there healthy and bacteria-free.
Good hygiene
One thing you shouldn’t ignore after sex is your hygiene. Avoid the risk of urinary tract infection and a host of other bacterial infections by cleaning your down there with a non-fragrance soap and a washcloth. A good warm soak in the bath should come up after that in order to reduce the risk for infections, prevent the outer vagina from drying out and reducing the risk for vaginal swelling.
Drink a lot of water
You’ll agree that sex drains up your energy just like any other forms of exercise. And with energy draining from you, your body also gets dehydrated from all that sweating. If you discover that your mouth is dry or your down there isn’t moist as it should be then you need to drink a glass of water as soon as you are done with all that loving to refuel your body system.
Eat probiotic-rich foods
In also reducing your risk for bacterial infections, you need to snack on healthy meals, preferably fermented foods such as kimchi, yogurt, kombucha, etc. These foods would replenish your body’s good bacteria.

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